Lobo Active Learning Center & Gymnastics
Active Camp
Discover a summer of fun, fitness, excitement, and learning! Your child will love the thrill and adventure of summer camp at Lobo Active – and you’ll love knowing their days are full of purposeful fun learning activities, physical fitness, and field trips.
Ages: Children who have turned 5 and will be entering kindergarten- 14 yrs.
Select Only the Weeks that You Need!
Active Camp Forms
Click to view or print
- Weeks Selected Enrollment Agreement (1 per family/if all attending same dates)
- Admissions Form (1 per child)
- Emergency Care/Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis (only if applies;requires Dr. Plan)
- Assumption of Risk & Indemnity Agreement(1 per family-add all names)
- Emergency Consent (1 per family/add names)
- Discipline & Guidance Policy (1 per family)
- Bus Rules (1 per child)
- Program & Policies Handbook (Please read)
- Getting to Know You (1 per child)
- Field Trip Permission Slip (1 per child)
- Rainforest Indoor Playground Rules Waiver & Release of Liability (1 per child)
- Provider's Guide to Parent's Rights (1 per family)
- Water Activity Permission Form (1 per child)