“Our goal is to offer the finest children’s programming in the area and make your children’s time at Lobo be the highlight of their growing years!”
Welcome to Lobo! Our pre-school program is one of the finest to be found anywhere and we are extremely proud of it!
We have a separate preschool gym with equipment that is designed especially for the preschool age child. Gymnastics skills and exercises are incorporated through the use of safe, fun, and organized teaching stations. Skills are taught on such events as vault, bars, balance beam, rings, floor exercise, rope, trampoline and our foam-filled safety pits. Musical warm-ups and the variety of creative activities add to the fun and excitement.
With our low child/coach ratios, more individualized attention is given to meet each child’s physical growth and development needs. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are offered for each group on a variety of days, including Saturday. Educational handouts pertaining to movement, growth, and young children’s self-esteem are handed out periodically.
Raise each child’s confidence level by encouraging them to go beyond their own expectations and perceived willingness to try
Develop each child's kinesthetic awareness, physical ability, and coordination
Gymnastics movement patterns and skills, as well as other developmental movements are the “tools” we use to challenge each child to go beyond their self-imposed boundaries. Then gradually, by design, these “tools” become the object of our secondary goal…teaching and refining gymnastics movement patterns and skills. This broad-based approach helps prepare each child for future involvement in all athletics including, of course, gymnastics.
Gymnastics Classes
Little Rascals
Preschool | Ages: Walking - 3 yrs. | $89/mth
This is our youngest group of gymnasts. Their age range spans from walking to 36 months.
An adult is required to attend class with the child and experience the fun. Little Rascals is a professionally planned, educationally sound program of developmental movements and sensory motor experiences focusing on both gross motor and socialization skills. This is accomplished in a truly enjoyable environment through the delightful medium of play. Fun obstacle courses are set up for your toddlers which help develop basic motor skills. They are encouraged to climb, jump, roll and crawl from station to station. All of the fun and excitement is shared by child and parent as they work through the class together. The benefits of this class are far-reaching for both the parent and child. These extraordinary classes also give your child the opportunity to grow in confidence, socialize with other children, learn how to follow simple directions, and develop social skills such as sharing.
Parents have the opportunity to be a part of their children’s growth and development while assisting in their child’s orientation to a new challenging environment. Class meets once a week for 50 minutes. Add a class, receive 25% off.
Preschool | Ages 3 - 4.7 years | $89/mth
This co-ed class is for children 3 years of age through 4 years 7 months of age.
The gymnasts attend class without a parent. If a separation problem occurs, we encourage the parent to participate in a class to initiate cooperation and to ease fears. Children will be presented with a variety of fun and exciting challenges based around a central theme each week. The benefits of this class are of great value as the children increase motor skills, eye-hand coordination, as well as self-confidence. Additionally, the children are presented with very important social skills as they interact with other children. Learning to follow simple directions, listening and taking turns is a major advancement in their developmental process.
Helping this age group grow and develop in so many ways is very rewarding for the instructors. Class meets once a week for 50 minutes. Add a 2nd class and Receive 25% off.
Preschool | Ages 4.8 - 5 yrs. | $89/mth
This co-ed class is for children 4 years 8 months through Kindergarten.
Gymnasts attend class independently. Due to the increased attention span of children in this group, gymnastic skills are presented with greater emphasis on form. Movement skills and movement concepts are presented in ways that help children learn how their bodies move and why. Balance and coordination increases rapidly in this group as is developmentally appropriate.
These exciting, theme oriented and fun-packed classes meet once or twice a week for 50 minutes. It is so rewarding to see this group develop in self-confidence, strength, coordination and flexibility, all while having a blast!
SPARKLERS- Advance Preschool/ $99/mth
This class is an advanced program for 4-year-olds through Kindergarten students. It is made up of gymnasts selected by the instructors.
Gymnasts attend class independently. Due to the increased attention span of children in this group, gymnastic skills are presented with greater emphasis on form. Movement skills and movement concepts are presented in ways that help children learn how their bodies move and why. Balance and coordination increases rapidly in this group as is developmentally appropriate.
These exciting, theme oriented and fun-packed classes meet once or twice a week for 60 minutes. It is so rewarding to see this group develop in self-confidence, strength, coordination and flexibility, all while having a blast!